Thursday 7 December 2017

Vision project intro

I absolutely loved working with my group! It was interesting to see our different skills and experience levels interact with each other on this. I definitely learned a thing or two about production and look forward to trying out some more.

Sunday 26 November 2017

Can a vegan keep bees?

I found this article while researching for a project on veganism. I think it's important to know where your favourite products are coming from, especially if there is a risk of animal abuse/exploitation. It is possible to enjoy what animals produce, including honey, eggs and milk, knowing that the animals were treated with respect throughout the process.

Stay calm, be aware, and shop locally!

Monday 20 November 2017

I did my soundscape project at San Remo restaurant where I work as a server. It portrays the routine that I know too well, and combines some of my least and most favourite sounds (greetings with my coworkers vs. the dreaded phone ring). I did my best to capture the way San Remo sounds, now if only I could capture the way it smells!

Friday 17 November 2017

Given the history of gender/race in the workforce, it is no surprise that women and people of colour are less likely to achieve high-level or management positions in the tech industry. What is interesting is that women tend to score higher than men when being tested on their digital skills.

It makes you wonder, are women and people of colour turned away from these roles intentionally in order to maintain a heteronormative environment? Or could it be that they are simply not conditioned to express their confidence and leadership skills in the same way that most (white) males are, affecting their ability to break through the barriers of the low to mid-level workforce.

Friday 20 October 2017

A man is driving down the highway with his son when they get into an accident.
The man dies but the boy is rushed off to the hospital with sever injuries.
When they roll the child in for surgery, the surgeon says "I can't operate on this boy, he's my son!"

How can this be?

Wednesday 18 October 2017


Here is a fantastic eye-opening video about the current education system in North America. The speaker (Sir Ken Robinson) has many great points and the visual overlap is incredibly captivating.


Thursday 12 October 2017

Here is a good article if you're interested in reading more about the "attention economy" funded by our addiction to digital devices and pseudo-pleasures. It raises a few good points about why we should consider un-plugging and ultimately changing the way we use the technology available.


Response: Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone?

In her TED talk “Connected, but alone?” Sherry Turkle offers an interesting suggestion that homes and work places should “reclaim” areas for real-time conversation. In an effort to challenge the ever-growing familiarity of being constantly connected online, I think it would be a wonderful initiative to commit certain rooms or spaces to an un-plugged policy. In our culture it is perfectly acceptable in most situations to hide from the people around you via digital technology (I’m talking to you, fellow bus riders), and I would love to see a shift in the way people communicate in the moment.

Friday 29 September 2017

The NICE Basket Project

The NICE Basket Project (newborn infant care & essentials) is a very special social service project happening in Victoria BC this fall, run by fellow sociology student Kellen and myself. You can find us on Facebook and our email is We are currently accepting nominations via email for expecting mothers/couples who could use an extra hand in getting prepared for their little newcomer. Our gift baskets will include some toys, clothes and supplies for baby with some added treats for mom as well. Please read the details and requirements posted on our Facebook page, and LIKE and SHARE to spread the word. Thank you, and good luck! Have a NICE day :)